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ATTN: Supersonic456


Author Topic: ATTN: Supersonic456  (Read 10417 times)

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ATTN: Supersonic456
« on: February 14, 2019, 06:05:51 pm »
I'm very skeptical about some of the recent stats that this player submmited to Sonic Unleashed 360 and it's DLCs leaderboards. I will try to explain it as best as I can.
Firstly, his ring attacks's submmision. The player claims that he managed to achieve a lot of stats, whether they are in maxed or not maxed stages, and whether there is a video showing the route played already or having to create your route on own. Somehow, the player claims that he achieved in most of his stats amount of rings that is lower by just 1 ring than the current record. I can tell from my experience with this game that missing just 1 ring attack in a maxed stage in this game is not very likely, and on the non maxed stages it just might be a truly amusing coinsidence that both him and the WR holder might used a completly different routes and methods, yet he still managed to achieve just 1 ring lower than the current record. I could believe if that was the case in one or two stats, but the player claimed the same situation in literally every DLC stage ring attack (except one where he indeed proved to have max rings, and another one in RTR1-2 Day where I would assume it's just a typo lol), and in 26 out of the 32 non DLC stages. Some of those can stats are even more extremly weird. Dragoon Road 1 Night stat for example, there are 7 players holding the tied max rings, achieved by collecting an OoB 10 ring, which is extremly difficult, and another 11 players holding the 2nd (now it's 3rd) best amount of rings, which are basically the max rings without that OoB 10 ring. The player claims again the he achieved just 1 ring lower than the max. Basically claiming that he wen't through the whole stage, missed one ring and knowing that still decided to grind (from my experience, could take even 20 minutes) for the other OoB 10 ring. There are some other very hard strat or very easy strat where it's not likely to miss exectly one ring, and I will explain more if necessery, but I think you get the point.
Now after seeing all of that, I became even more skeptical about his time attack stats as well. There are some stats the are very hard to achieve the time he claims he get, some examples are AS1-2 Day, SC1-2 Day, WI2 Day, WI2-2 Day, SS1-2, and more. Knowing the player tends to upload his best works to his youtube channel, I find it really unlikely that he just decided to not upload those videos or just happend to play all of those without recording.
To sum it up, I would like Supersonic456 to post a video of him in the world map, showing all of the stages's best times and best score since those are being saved in the game in the game system (assuming at least most of the stats were played on PS3, which is his main console) or provide pictures in case some of the times/scores are missed in the hub or played on 360. Additionaly, I would like the player to provide picture proof to all the ring stats that he can provide, or, in case they're not available, at least try to explain how comes that he missed just 1 ring in like 97% of his stats.
I really hope that I will turn out wrong and we could just move on, but those stats were just way too skeptical for me to ignore.

Offline Ss456

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2019, 11:55:07 am »
I put I had the max rings available in the stage which, I did, then stats were not good enough. Now these starts are not. Maybe I was putting the rings as that for now while I try and get video proof. Ever thought of that? As for the times, my elgato is very faulty atm just fyi, and to confirm that you can ask xrrstyle and Razor X as they have been on a voice call when my elgato has decided to bug out. You need video proof for 1st place times, none of my times are first place on the leader boreds so as far as I'm concerned no video proof is required unless the rules suddenly change. But like I said if there's a way for you to get me banned, just go ahead and do so as it will turn out easier for both of us honestly. If you are reading this, thank you for taking the time to do so.

Offline Zurggriff

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2019, 07:08:48 pm »
On the submissions page, there is text that reads "Guesses at, made up, or generally false times will be rewarded with bans". It is clear that the rule requiring video proof for record stats is understood given that stats just under the record were submitted to remove the record stat. You mentioned in your post that the ring stats you replaced the record stats with where put in place until video proof was available, which gives a strong impression that those stats (1 ring lower than record) were not actually obtained. If that was the case, they would be considered made up stats and were used to evade proof requirements. The correct course of action was submit the next best stat actually obtained or request an administrator to remove the stat.

Your submission behavior makes it difficult for other players to trust that your submissions are representative of actual achievements. This site had operated on the honor system for several years, but this presented the problem where stats could be made up and the ways to identify these stats as illegitimate without requiring proof in the first place was limited. To fix the issue, the requirement for video proof was added just for record stats. This could have applied to lower ranking stats but was limited just to first place to maintain easier access to submissions with the vulnerability that next best stats could be submitted without proof, regardless of their difficulty. Your times stats may not have come into question had the ring stats not given the appearance of made up stats, pushing the limits of the rules as they were written.

You have been uploading videos for several of your stats and planned to record videos for the first place stats you previously claimed. Was posting a video showing the best times and scores in the world map an unreasonable request? This surely would have cleared up most of the concerns of whether or not your stats were legitimate. It is important that players can trust that a competitors stats are valid and your actions highlight a vulnerability with the current rules. You could have resolved this problem with some cooperation but, instead, you opted out and changed all of your Sonic Unleashed 360 and DLC stats to minimal values. Additionally, you have removed the videos that previous stats had linked. Unless those stats were achieved with cheating, removing the videos, and your stats, was unnecessary. I recently addressed 17 players and their record stats that did not meet the proof requirements (you were on this list but removed the records before I took action) without issuing bans, or even a warning, received feedback from several of them, and have not had any further problems. Given that you chose to replace your stats and refused any sort of cooperation, your ability to submits stats will be removed and all of your stats will be suspended. When you decide you want to return, with a mindset that fosters healthy competition, we can discuss the terms of your return. There was no need for the site to lose a competitor like this.
Championships held: Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic Mania, Sonic 4: Episode Metal, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Forces

Zero Point Championships held: Sonic 4: Episode Metal

Offline Ss456

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2019, 09:10:53 pm »
Hello, I have taken everything you have said into consideration, I understand where you are coming from in this situation. This probably doesn't help in any way shape or form but, I am very sorry for the trouble this had caused. Now, I have decided that I will no longer be submitting any of stats to the sonic center as I do not want to cause trouble again. I understand this is probably not the correct way to aproch this but I honestly think it's for the best. Again I am very sorry for the trouble I have caused and, thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say - Supersonic456.

Offline Zurggriff

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2019, 12:59:41 am »
An alternate account was created XxSs456Xx. The competition rules clearly state that a person may have exactly one account.

Additionally, the previous account had submission privileges revoked until the issues with that account had been resolved. So this new account, which was evading a ban, also has submission privileges revoked.

The video links for the old account work again (I am guessing the videos were set to Private) and the new account links to the same youtube channel. You are showing that you want to return, providing video proof with all record stats and some of the lower ranking stats, but skipped over any discussion of returning. Where we should go with this situation from here will be determined soon. I strongly recommend not creating additional accounts.
Championships held: Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic Mania, Sonic 4: Episode Metal, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Forces

Zero Point Championships held: Sonic 4: Episode Metal

Offline XxSs456Xx

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2019, 07:57:37 am »
Hello, at this point I really don't know what to say anymore. Although I realise now making a new account and not starting a discussion on the topic of me returning was the wrong way to go so I apologise for that. Wether you want to let me make submissions is up to you obviously, all I can say on that is I will be trying to recod future stats for the game, mainly being ring attacks. Like I said in the comments in my submissions on this new account with no video links, I can take a picture for proof showing my times and scores that match my current submissions. I hope all of this can be cleared up soon and, I appreciate you taking the time to read this - Ss456.

Offline Zurggriff

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2019, 07:42:05 pm »
Can you provide a video showing the best times and the best scores from the world map?
Championships held: Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic Mania, Sonic 4: Episode Metal, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Forces

Zero Point Championships held: Sonic 4: Episode Metal

Offline XxSs456Xx

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2019, 02:01:47 pm »

Offline XxSs456Xx

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2019, 01:52:58 pm »
So, has any derision been made yet in regurds to getting un-banned? I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know. Thank you.

Offline Zurggriff

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2019, 11:38:59 pm »
Sorry for the wait but these things take time. No decision had been made, otherwise I would have stated that here. The time elapsed between my post and yours was two days, which is a bit short for something like this, but that is just my opinion. With that out of the way, I just need to clear up one more thing and this case should be wrapped up and we can move on with our lives.

I do not want to set a precedence where picture proof is acceptable in cases like this but this request should serve a special purpose. Please provide picture proof for the following Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 stats:
Cool Edge 1 Day
Dragon Road 1 Day
Rooftop Run 2 Day
Rooftop Run 3 Day
Skyscraper Scamper 1 Night
Jungle Joyride 2 Night

Arid Sands 2 Day
Jungle Joyride 2 Day
Tornado Defense 2 Day

Egg Devil Ray
Dark Guardian
Egg Lancer
Egg Dragoon
Dark Gaia

I realize that the comment for Times Cool Edge 1 Day did not specify picture proof available so this is optional (recommended) if you have it. The rest should be unnecessary.
Championships held: Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic Mania, Sonic 4: Episode Metal, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Forces

Zero Point Championships held: Sonic 4: Episode Metal

Offline XxSs456Xx

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2019, 12:54:25 pm »
Honestly just forget it. I would like to request for all off my stats to be removed please. You have been messing me about for to long, you asked for a video showing my times and scores on the world map so I did that and still that full on proof is not good enough. I have got time to go through my 3000 photos that I have saved on my Google photos just to prove a couple of records to one person. So yeah, eather just delete all of my stats or change them to what you saw in the video of proof that you requested from me.

Offline Zurggriff

Re: ATTN: Supersonic456
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2019, 04:57:33 pm »
I was really hoping you would be cooperative here. Some people would have left this as a ban and forget about it. That is a much easier choice to make than what work I have put in to justify removing the ban.

"I can provide picture proof if you wish." is the comment for a lot of your recent submissions so I am surprised to see that this is a problem. I appreciated the video of the World Map that you supplied. It did not match the most of the old stats and a reason why they would not have been saved was given, but it also did not match a few of the new stats or were missing stats. The request for picture proof was intended to fill in these gaps and resolve some discrepancies. Also keep in mind the proof is not just for me, it is for the community which lost trust in your stats. If I am correct with my expectations, there really should be nothing left after the pictures.
Championships held: Sonic 2, Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic Mania, Sonic 4: Episode Metal, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Forces

Zero Point Championships held: Sonic 4: Episode Metal


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